
Payment Receipt: New API now available in QuickBooks Payments

The QuickBooks Payments team is pleased to introduce a new Payment Receipt API that allows third-party apps to retrieve a receipt for completed transactions that can be provided—or made accessible—to the payor for each transaction.

  1. Use the charges entity to make a payment for a transaction (e.g., invoices and sales receipts). Retrieve the client transaction ID (field clientTransID) from the response.
  2. Call the payment receipt endpoint by passing the client transaction ID in the request URL.

Here is a sample Request:

GET https://quickbooksapi.api.intuit.com/quickbooks/v4/payments/receipt/<client-trans-id>

Note that there can be a delay in generating a receipt when the payment is received (during this time the API will return an error in retrieving the receipt). For a PDF endpoint, make sure to set the content-type as application/pdf.

Here is a sample Payment Receipt:

The receipt will display specific fields as shown below:

Payment AmountAmount of money to be transferred
TransIDClient transaction id of the payment
Date of TransactionDate payment is processed
Payment MethodPayment method/funding account
Auth CodeAuthorization Code/Number



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