
Marketing Concierge Program Spotlight: Xenett

As the name suggests, the Marketing Concierge Program focuses on maximizing the marketing efforts of developers with apps in our QuickBooks App Store. Participants have direct access to Intuit assets and an Intuit Go-To-Market (GTM) team to collaborate on creating partner-driven marketing campaigns.

But that’s not all.

Error-free books that close faster with Xenett

Nick and Hardik founded Xenett about four years ago, offering an automated review and close management tool that helps detect errors and close books faster with seamless client collaboration and interactive reporting. According to Nick, Xenett’s approach focuses on improving accuracy, better collaboration between team members by managing recurring closing tasks in a single place, and easy client communication through a dedicated client portal.

Xenett promises a reduction in review time by 70%, a 90% increase in accuracy, and a close process that’s 3x faster with real-time error fixes and a streamlined close workflow. Though still relatively new to the QuickBooks App Store, the automated review and close tool has received great customer feedback, including this 5-star review from Catherine:

Xenett is an outstanding tool! Simplifies working in transactions (after they are entered from the feed), helps me catch problems, offers a client portal for easy clarifications and requests, and is an affordable price! Plus, the support is off the chain! Great replies even just for simple questions, responsive, and always seeking in and asking for new ideas and ways to advance the product. Highly recommend!

The platform has become a leader in close management software for QuickBooks Online, but Xenett is not immune to common business challenges. Says Hardik, “As a SaaS company, our biggest challenge is to have our customers use our app regularly and create awareness about our solution with our target audience.”

That’s where the Marketing Concierge Program comes in.

Standing out in a competitive landscape

For the Xenett team, the Marketing Concierge Program provides outstanding support and extensive resources and has already delivered marketing benefits. Nick explains further: “The GTM team at Intuit brings a unique perspective to the table. Their expertise spans various industries and markets, offering insights that SaaS companies might not have access to otherwise.”

He adds, “By leveraging Intuit’s diverse experience and deep understanding of customer needs, companies like ours gain fresh perspectives on marketing strategies, helping us stand out in a competitive landscape.”

One of the program’s most utilized benefits is easy access to the Intuit Marketing Portal. Hardik says the Intuit marketing assets available in the portal bolster marketing campaigns. “This includes templates, branding guidelines, and advertising materials that companies can use to streamline their marketing efforts, maintain brand consistency, and potentially reach broader audiences.”

Hardik lists these as key benefits of the Marketing Concierge Program:

  • Expert guidance and resources tailored to the specific marketing needs of each business.
  • Opens doors to collaboration opportunities and potentially broader exposure through Intuit networks and platforms.
  • Enhances credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of consumers by aligning with a reputable brand like Intuit.

Nick adds, “Through expert guidance, targeted campaigns, and access to assets, we’ve gained insights that help us better understand our audience so we can engage with them more effectively.”

Marketing Concierge Program helps refine strategies and optimize performance

As the Xenett team continues participating in the Marketing Concierge Program, Nick and Hardik look forward to more personalized consulting, access to data and marketing insights, and valuable guidance customized to their needs. Nick reiterates that the program’s monthly app insights are “invaluable for refining marketing strategies and optimizing performance.”
