We understand that times are more than a little unsettled these days, but here at Intuit, we are working to improve the tools that you use to deliver benefits to your customers!
Today, we’re announcing that the much awaited “Teams” feature is now available in the Developer portal. We started this journey in November 2019 with many customer research sessions, gaining a deep understanding of what developers actually need. Last month, we went into a limited Beta phase where we invited a few developers to use the feature and incorporated the learnings back in our product.
Feature highlights
You and your team members will be able to convert your current app environment to a shared workspace or create one new shared team workspace. This can be achieved by navigating to the Dashboard.

When you go to the Dashboard, you should see your existing Apps (if you have any) in a separate Tab, along with the “Team” tab next to it.

If you are an existing developer on the Intuit Developer portal and have one or more Apps created (may or may not be published), you can share those Apps under a common team or create a brand-new team.

If you are new to the portal, you can simply start with creating the team and adding team members.

Once you’ve created a team space, you can invite your coworkers to work on the shared Apps and assign roles (admin, developer, marketer), and set specific permissions for them.

If you create the team, you will be the team owner and have all the privileges and permissions. As an Owner, you can add your team members with either of the following roles:
- Admin – gets all permissions by default, but cannot remove the owner.
- Developer – gets access to development keys, but has other access points protected by permissions.
- Marketer – gets access to manage App listing, but has other access points protected by permissions.

Once team members accept their email invitations, they will also have access to the shared apps and the team’s functionality, based on their permissions.

Key benefits to Team
- The admin/owner of the team can now allocate specific work to their team members based on their roles and access rights, which brings efficiency and productivity in development and ongoing maintenance.
- Specific team members get permissioned access specific sections. For example, a marketer doesn’t need to worry about any production keys; they can get directly get to app card details, avoiding confusion.
- This solves the security issue of teams sharing passwords between team members.
As always, we’re available for feedback and support; don’t hesitate to contact us; the Intuit Developer Support Community is here for you.
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