Category: Technical Tips
How is the QuickBaseDTOArrayCollection different from an ArrayCollection?
Apart from the name, there are some important properties and methods that make it more useful in the context of writing your Flex code. You can leverage the framework and use QuickBaseDTOArrayCollection to keep your data up to date and avoid having to do the low-level programming to acheive the same otherwise. I'll try and […]
Setting Up a Co-Development IPP Project in Flex Builder
Hello IPP developers, my name is Jarred Keneally and I am a developer support engineer for the Intuit Partner Platform. After receiving quite a few inquiries as to the best way to setup a co-development IPP project, I though I would blog about the way to do that. You should know we are working on […]
Frustrated by IE6 security warnings in IPP Applications?
Are you seeing the following security warning when running Flex-based IPP applications in IE6? If so, it is probably due to the fact that IE6 does not like iFrame tags without a SRC attribute. If you're sure that it's not your code that contains the incomplete iFrame tag, chances are pretty good that you inherited the […]