Intuit Developer Blog
Keep Your QuickBooks App Card Shiny
Congrats! Your app’s integration with QuickBooks Online finally launched on the QuickBooks App Store. While you should definitely take a moment to celebrate this accomplishment, there is still work to be done.
Intuit is updating its OpenID IP addresses
Apps use IP whitelisting to ensure that they are communicating with Intuit securely. If your app uses IP whitelisting please note that the Intuit OpenID IP addresses are changing soon and you would need to update your systems to add the new IP addresses.
Reimburse charge support with QuickBooks Online API
We have had requests from multiple developers to expose details of ReimburseCharge (also known as Expense Charge or Billable Expense) linked transactions for Invoice objects. Our teams worked diligently on understanding the underlying data requirements and have provided read support for all details related to ReimburseCharge for Invoice objects starting with minorversion=9 or greater.
Primary/Secondary Category Rollout
Today we are excited to announce a change in the way that apps are categorized on the QuickBooks App Store and QuickBooks App Tab.
Upcoming Changes to Tax Codes in Australia
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) is moving all businesses with less than $10M in GST turnover to the Simpler BAS reporting starting 01 Jul 2017. Simpler BAS enables businesses to be compliant with their GST reporting by using reduced number of GST codes–GST, GST Free, and Out of Scope–for all sales and purchase transactions. You may be affected by this change.
Countdown is on: ONLY 2 months left to enter to win $100,000!
Time is running out to enter the Small Business App Showdown! If your app is published on between 8/16/16 and 8/15/17, you are eligible to compete to win $100,000, but you have to enter the contest.
Top QuickBooks Online API Errors and How to Handle Them
Reducing your app’s errors helps reduce failed customer interactions in your app, setting you well on your way to delighting your customers. This article provides a list of error responses with recommendations and best practices for handling them from within your application.
A Node.js QuickBooks Inventory Tracking Sample App
We’re happy to announce a Node.js QuickBooks Inventory Tracking Sample App has been published in the Intuit Developer Github repo! This app is a showcase of how easy it is to create a meaningful flow which you can piece together to create your very own QuickBooks Online Application!
Recap: What’s New in QuickBooks API and Tools Documentation
Learn what’s new in the developer documentation straight from Intuit Developer’s QuickBooks API docs team.
The Architecture Behind Wasabi, an Open Source A/B Testing Platform
Whether you’re a developer wanting to contribute to Wasabi or an operations engineer looking to deploy it at scale in the cloud or in your own data center, this blog will give you some background on the architecture behind Wasabi and its deployment options.