
Intuit Developer Blog

  • Publish on the QuickBooks Apps store by May 20 & Go ‘Big Easy’ with Intuit Developer in Small Business

    Do you have an app that is ready to take off and be the next big thing on our QuickBooks Apps store, but just haven’t made the time to publish? If so, we’ve got a little extra incentive to help get you across the finish line and start promoting your app to the 600k+ visitors […]

  • Upcoming Webinar: Going Global with Your App

    Whether you have already published your QuickBooks app integration, or you are in the process of building one, or even if you are just thinking about it, please join our webinar on Tuesday, April 21, to learn more about the new global features we launched last month for the QuickBooks apps store.  In this live […]

  • A 3-step guide to getting started with Intuit Developer

    Do you have a great SaaS application or service that helps small businesses? Share your software solution with more than a million businesses worldwide by integrating your app with QuickBooks Online and publishing it in the QuickBooks Apps Store. It’s straightforward to get started – follow this 3-step guide and you’ll be on your way. […]

  • Infographic: The Appification of Small Business

    To view the entire eBook on The Appifications of Small Business, go here. 

  • The TSheets Story

    Guest Post by Matt Rissell, CEO of TSheets This is the story of how TSheets won the numbers game.  By this, I mean: How we reached more than 1,000 five-star reviews on Intuit’s QuickBooks Apps.com. How we extended go-anywhere time tracking to more than 60 countries and thousands of companies. How we started as an Idaho-based […]

  • Jobber: How we created a brand new app with QuickBooks

    Guest Post by Ben Zittlau, Director of Engineering at Jobber At Jobber, our mission is to help service businesses get organized. Beyond our core product, we wanted to create an online app that hooked into QuickBooks Online to solve a major user pain-point: the lack of a trustworthy backup and restore option for user data […]

  • Why the Small Business Market is the Next Big Thing for Developers

    This is a fascinating time in the evolution of small business technology. There’s now a critical mass of solutions that help entrepreneurs run their operations end-to-end in the cloud. Whether it’s finding new customers, accepting payments, or balancing the books, new cloud solutions are automating much of the drudge work that was once the bane […]

  • ServiceM8 and Intuit: Working together to help small businesses thrive

    Guest Post by Kim Ford, CEO of ServiceM8 Social media, mobile technology and the cloud are fundamentally changing our lives. Their impact is also changing the way small business works, and the rise of apps and software ecosystems by Intuit and other companies is part of this new world. So as a leading job-management software […]

  • How to Market your App on Apps.com

    Your first question may be: Why should I become a QuickBooks Online developer?  First, your app will get published on Apps.com, a unique app store that caters specifically to small businesses. Second, your app will get seen by hundreds of thousands of small-business owners. Every month, more than 600,000 unique visitors come to Apps.com and […]

  • What’s new for SDK developers in the recent R6 release of QuickBooks for the desktop

    You asked and we heard! We’re pleased to announce the following updates for the QuickBooks Desktop SDK, which were part of the most recent vR6 release. Below is a summary of the enhancements and fixes you’ll find in the SDK: Time to generate the Payroll Detail report has been rectified to perform much better. Column […]