
Why Should You List Your App on the QuickBooks App Store?

Reaching millions of potential customers from a single, easy-to-access location may be reason enough to take advantage of our app store, but there are many more. We explore a few of those reasons below and outline the steps to get your app listed on the QuickBooks App Store and to make it available in QuickBooks Online.

5 Reasons You Should List Your App on the QuickBooks App Store

Reason #1: You’ve Got a Great App

You’ve spent countless hours developing an innovative app that seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks to help users make their lives easier and businesses more successful. Your app is ready for customers and you’re eager to get it in front of those who need it the most. Where do you go? You go where QuickBooks users go: the QuickBooks App Store.

Reason #2: You Don’t Like to Miss a Good Opportunity

Visitors to the QuickBooks App Store are searching for apps just like yours. If your app isn’t there, then you’ve missed an opportunity—likely thousands of opportunities—to highlight the benefits your app can offer to people actively searching for a viable solution to their business management challenges. Conversely, your potential customers are missing out on an opportunity to utilize an app that might save them time and money.

Once your application is listed, Intuit may promote it within the app store (e.g., under one of our App Collections or on the Partner Offers & Deals page). The app store is also where Intuit teams first look for third-party developers to work closely with on key initiatives and programs.

Reason #3: You Want to Save Time and Money

Speaking of saving time and money, listing your app in the QuickBooks App Store offers both. You can supplement the time you invest in quality assurance with a team of Intuit engineers who perform comprehensive security and technical reviews of your app. And the QuickBooks App Store is a free marketing resource, offering you exposure to your intended audience via a powerful distribution channel.

Reason #4: You Can Get Valuable Feedback About Your App

One of the many benefits of the QuickBooks App Store is its built-in customer reviews. QuickBooks makes it easy for app customers to share their experience and rate a QuickBooks app directly on the listing.

Receiving feedback about your app from real-world users is also one of the best ways to prioritize changes you make to your app to improve the customer experience.

And if you get a review that isn’t positive you have the opportunity to respond to the customer through your listing. This allows you to resolve a specific issue (or, on the flip side, explain why it’s not an issue at all) and address questions in real-time while showcasing your willingness to respond to your customers.

Reason #5: It’s Not Hard to Do

Listing on the QuickBooks App Store is straightforward, and we’ve documented the process thoroughly to ensure your success. Here are the key steps to list your app on our marketplaces (yes, there’s more than one!):

Step 7: Set up a testing environment for Intuit reviewers. Create a test environment with credentials you can share with our review team. Once your app is submitted, we’ll use these credentials to run and test your app during the review process.

Get Your App Listed on the QuickBooks App Store Today

Not yet convinced of the merits of listing on the QuickBooks App Store? Here are a few questions you may want to consider:

  1. Will adding my app to the QuickBooks App Store increase my app’s exposure to potential customers?
  2.  Will my intended audience find me easily and quickly if I list on the QuickBooks App Store?
  3. Will I regret not taking advantage of this free opportunity?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, we recommend you get started today. We hope your app will soon become one of the world-class apps in the QuickBooks App Store!
