
Category: Technical Tips

  • Webhooks for QuickBooks Online API

    Webhooks for QuickBooks Online API

    Today we are happy to announce that we have added support for additional entities and “void” operation in Webhooks.

  • Getting Started With QuickBooks Orchestrated Postman Collections

    Getting Started With QuickBooks Orchestrated Postman Collections

    Using the Postman Runner, we’re happy to present to you a new and easy way to see how useful a combination of QuickBooks Online API calls can be. The Postman Runner is an effective tool which allows several API endpoints to be chained to create useful flows. We’ve put together 6 such chains highlighting some of the most important use cases of QuickBooks Online. This tutorial will help you quickly get started using the Postman Runner to make use of the QuickBooks Online APIs. Lets see how it works!

  • Deep dive into QuickBooks Online data queries

    Deep dive into QuickBooks Online data queries

    The QuickBooks Online API supports data queries via the query endpoint. Queries sent via this endpoint use a unified expression language, optimized for querying QuickBooks Online data.

  • Building a Global App: Make it, Don't Fake it!

    Building a Global App: Make it, Don't Fake it!

    What do I need to do to prepare my app for not only the US, but also Canada, the UK, Australia, India, or any other region where QuickBooks is used?

  • Accelerate your app development with Intuit Developer: in person May 17

    Is your interest piqued by the $100k app contest mentioned here? Do you want to jump-start your app development or integration with QuickBooks Online? Or do you want some in-person, 1:1 technical support? Then join the Intuit Developer team in San Francisco on Tuesday, May 17th for a half or full day of in-person technical goodness to accelerate your development.

  • Quick start to QuickBooks Online REST API with OAuth1.0

    Quick start to QuickBooks Online REST API with OAuth1.0

    As a Developer Relations Engineer, I have the opportunity to interact with talented developers every day. Whether they want to write code to better visualize financial data or to automate customer-facing email campaigns, they have one thing in common: the need for rapid integration. A common roadblock developers often encounter is authenticating API Calls to QuickBooks Online.

  • Benefits of SSO and how it works, indepth

    Benefits of SSO and how it works, indepth

    So what is SSO, you ask? SSO, or Single Sign On, is a mechanism to help create the feeling of a single ecosystem across multiple services for the end user by sharing key elements of an identity. For customers, it is a delight. For the app, it is a conversion rather than a lead, without any friction. It is a win-win for all stake holders.

  • Voiding Invoice Objects

    Voiding Invoice Objects

    QuickBooks Online supports the capability to void an invoice that was inadvertently created. That capability has now been extended to the REST APIs; the Invoice API now supports the void operation.

  • New Developer Guide: Linked Transactions

    New Developer Guide: Linked Transactions

    Check out the latest dev guide on linked transactions, just released to production! This new guide provides information on how QuickBooks transactions are interrelated and how you can use the QuickBooks API to create and discover these relationships.

  • New Developer Guide: Class Tracking

    New Developer Guide: Class Tracking

    Check out the new developer guide on class tracking, just released to production! This topic unlocks the secrets of using classes to classify transactions according to different business segments. The focus is on using the QuickBooks API, but also showcases how the API relates to the QuickBooks GUI in various stages of configuring and using class tracking.