
Intuit Developer Blog

  • Why a product roadmap and accountant feedback are critical in app selection and development

    With so many apps entering the market every day for accountants to use with their clients, how do you make your app stand above the rest? How do you develop an app that accountants and consumers want to use? Matthew Fulton, co-founder and CTO of Parkway Business Solutions, has a set of questions that he […]

  • OAuth 1.0 migration – Step 7: Migrate existing users in about 2 hours

    If you’ve already implemented OAuth 2.0, but you’re still using OAuth 1.0 tokens for existing users, it usually only takes 1 to 2 hours to migrate those tokens to OAuth 2.0. Before you take this step, be sure that you’ve already updated your application to accept OAuth 2.0 connections. Scalable approach: Use the migration API […]

  • OAuth 1.0 migration – Step 6: Enable OAuth 2.0 for new users

    Still using OAuth 1.0, even for your new users? If you haven’t built and tested your OAuth 2.0 functionality yet, you’ll likely find it’s much easier to implement the OAuth 2.0 than it was to implement OAuth 1.0. According to our latest research, developers who’ve migrated spent 20 to 40 hours to fully implement, test, […]

  • OAuth 1.0 migration – Step 5: Tell us your target date

    If you’re still using OAuth 1.0, we need to understand your migration plans so we can minimize customer disruption for our mutual customers. With the Dec. 17, 2019 OAuth Migration deadline quickly approaching, we now require all apps that are still using OAuth 1.0 to share their migration intentions by Oct. 31, 2019. Sharing your […]

  • From an accountant’s perspective: How app developers can solve real business problems

    What makes an app successful? This is the key question for all developers in the QuickBooks ecosystem, so I recently spoke with Brad Celmainis of Brad Celmainis Accounting Solutions to get an accountant’s perspective. He offered some great advice on developing apps for accountants, and he used his favorite QuickBooks Online app as an example […]

  • Why app developers must focus on customer support for accountants

    Have you heard about Intuit’s Design for Delight (D4D)? It’s the idea of falling in love with your customer’s problems, not the solution. I know, seems counterintuitive, but we believe that loving the problem inspires you to find the best—not just the most convenient—solution. There’s more to it, but the takeaway for you as an […]

  • PDF and Email support for new entities

    With the latest API release, we are pleased to introduce new API endpoints to support retrieving transactions as PDFs, and send transactions to customers via email for the following QuickBooks Online entities: Credit Memo RefundReceipt Payment Purchase Order With this release, all the entities that have PDF and email capabilities within the QuickBooks Online User […]

  • 4 ways app developers can connect with accountants

    So, you’re an app developer who created an awesome app for QuickBooks that solves a major pain point for users. Now, how do you get the word out about your app? Advertising directly to your consumer base, such as through QuickBooks Apps.com, is one way to make it happen. Another key marketing path is to […]

  • New features improve developer productivity

    Over the last couple of weeks, our team has been working hard to help developers build amazing Apps by curiously listening to their feedback and closing on some of the requests which the developers have made. Our goal is to delight our developers by building useful features that increase the developer productivity. With this blog, […]

  • What's new in QuickBooks Online: September 2019

    In order for our developers to be more aware of functionality in QuickBooks® Online, this is the first in a series of blogs that focuses on new features and improvements.. Check back monthly for more updates. The following is the article that ran on the QuickBooks blog. Even though the air is a bit crisper […]