Intuit Developer Blog
Finding rock stars in a large developer ecosystem
Recently I had the awesome opportunity to speak at the Small Business Web Summit with my colleague Shelly Scott. The Small Business Web Summit is a unique gathering where B2B SaaS executives from across the small business tech industry convene to network and share some of our best practices. Because developers are such an integral part of Intuit’s success, Shelly and I presented the framework we use at Intuit to identify the developers on our platform with high growth potential. Keep reading for some of the highlights from our presentation!
Webhooks for QuickBooks Online API
Today we are happy to announce that we have added support for additional entities and “void” operation in Webhooks.
PHP: Facade support for Create operations
Before our PHP SDK for QuickBooks Online v3.0.1 release, creating and updating Invoices could be a painful job for developers. We have written numerous examples for our PHP developers regarding to how to create an Invoice, create a Bill, or other API endpoints. For the new 3.1.0 release, we provide façade support for these entities.
Getting Started With QuickBooks Orchestrated Postman Collections
Using the Postman Runner, we’re happy to present to you a new and easy way to see how useful a combination of QuickBooks Online API calls can be. The Postman Runner is an effective tool which allows several API endpoints to be chained to create useful flows. We’ve put together 6 such chains highlighting some of the most important use cases of QuickBooks Online. This tutorial will help you quickly get started using the Postman Runner to make use of the QuickBooks Online APIs. Lets see how it works!
Meet Us Down Under At QuickBooks Connect Sydney
We’re excited to announce that Intuit Developer and Intuit QuickBooks are taking QuickBooks Connect to Australia — the land of koalas, kangaroos, beautiful Bondi Beach and BBQ. Oh – and YOU, our app developers from down under! That’s right, we can’t wait to see YOU!
New Python Sample App for QuickBooks Online API
We are happy to announce that, in response to your feedback, we’ve created a new sample app that demonstrates how to use the QuickBooks Online API in Python.
Developer Alert: Important Update to Intuit supported web browser versions
On April 26, 2017 only the browsers listed below will be supported for the QuickBooks Online Authorization screens. These are the same browsers that QuickBooks Online currently supports.
10 Reasons Why You Should Enter the #SmallBiz #AppShowdown!
In case you are very busy with other things and could use an extra push to get your QuickBooks integration past the finish line, we’ve put on our thinking caps to give you a list of 10 things you could do with $100,000 if you win the 2017 Small Business App Showdown.
Another survey? Yes, we really do listen to your feedback!
Last year, we sent out a brief survey asking about your experience developing on the QuickBooks Online platform. Many of you took the time to answer (thank you!) and share with us details about your likes, frustrations, and wish-lists to make your experience better.